Queen Elizabeth - Floribunda

Queen Elizabeth - Floribunda Rose
Queen Elizabeth - Floribunda Rose

Queen Elizabeth - Floribunda

from £14.00

Popular for over 60 years.  A tall rose with an upright habit and glossy foliage.  Large pointed, medium double pink blooms with 38 petals.  Light fragrance.  Height 4-6 ft.  Every few years it can be cut down hard to rejuvenate it and produce new growth.  An ideal rose for the back of the border, as a specimen, or a colourful hedge

The World Federation Of Rose Societies entered the Queen Elizabeth rose into the Society's Rose Hall Of Fame in 1979 an honour shared with just 16 other roses.

Portland Gold Medal 1954. National Rose Society President's International Trophy 1955. All America Rose Selection 1955. American Rose Society Gold Medal 1957. Golden Rose Of The Hague 1968. World's Favourite Rose 1979.

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